Animal clinics bring in all kinds of different creatures. When the liver is not functioning correctly such as an infection or disease high levels of ammonia may be created in urine. This ammonia will result in a pungent and unpleasant odor. Other odors that are commonly found at animal clinics which are used for disinfecting the space are aldehydes and/or ketones.
Hydrosil has worked with animal clinics on various air filtration projects. The animal clinics have installed separate passes or blends of HS-AC-P-PO and HS-600 in air handling units. The HS-AC-P-PO is effective at removing ammonia and ketones as the HS-600 will oxidize the formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, and tolualdehyde which are commonly found at veterinary offices.
Industry Type: Animal Service
Pollutants: Ammonia, aldehydes, ketones
Media Used: HS-AC-P-PO, HS-600